Sunday, April 01, 2007

Just a note

That last blog was my ego and vanity spewing out... I apologize for it, though to say i apologize would imply that i didnt mean it at the time, which i did, but anyways, Most everything is just my self deloussion.. I decided not to go to a New Teachers party... (would have been 5000 more yen, and it would have been a little weird... I was intent on going to all the ones i was asked to, until i realized how expensive they are... its kind of insane...I have at least gone to some of them.) Well, whatever, Im gong to study now... Ranting is getting tiring... Its kind of weird though, i was sitting at the welcoming ceremony and having trouble staying conscous, my eyes were falling down... I should eat more, but the volition to do so is slowly fading again... This seems like H.S. redux, except i dont have anyone i could open up to if i wanted to except for mika, everyone would just say `oh thats too bad!` and go on about their business (which is fine, because though i might want a degree of pitty from others from my rants, i respect their ability to see through my bullshit. In truth i probably just want someone who has a degree of empathy with what i am going through, not nessicarily pitty... just to relate.)


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