Sunday, April 01, 2007

Rant...rant...rant... Ver. 2.0

After spending the other day sleeping for most of the morning, cleaning up the place, and finally getting out and running (and buying shinkansen tickets), i talked on the internet... There is an overabundance of things i need to do and get set....I dont know if i will have a change of heart in the next few weeks and want to stay, but we shall see...Im looking at probably too much stuff right now.. All i know is that i will have 2 weeks in may off to go to tokyo or wherever and get my shit together, or try to... Im looking at all sorts of things and seeing what is possible/feasable.... How much i could save if i change positions, ect.... Well, either way... But i went into work today and my `go to man` at the BOE commented on how i had my hair pulled back, and had a suit on... and i just looked down and was thinking `stop fucking patronizing me.` My vanity gets the best of me i find more often than not recently. Sigh.. he was probably just impressed that i gave a shit about wearing a suit for the welcoming ceremony and had my hair pulled back (i did that because i went into an onsen last night and otherwise my hair would dry and be all flipy/get in my mouth when i sleep, ect...) But he was overtly commenting on it and even came over and patted my head (which kind of annoyed me). He could tell, and said `arnt you happy?` i didnt say anything in reply and just kind of looked down... THen he goes about his business... A few moments later i try help moving stuff, and i guess since i surupise him by my lack of apathy on this, he says `matt power` as im carying stuff...ehh...whatever.. im too fucking calloused at this point.. I might have found it humorous a few months ago, but i just dont feel i have the temperment for this... Though besides writing about it and letting it fester for a few moments, nothing will come of it...except for the aquardnss of whenever i see him...heh... Well, I will try and see if i can work on my resume and also get some other things out, and i need to decide if i want to america for this golden week, or if i want to just try and focus on jobs (but if i go back i could get some things set for grad school in the process..). Well, whatever... those damn mechanical dolls are dancing again in my head....rant rant rant...


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