Tuesday, April 10, 2007

In the land of nowhere and eternal damnation...my mind..

I come home... Sleep.... Wake up at midnight..... type on this blog that nobody reads....think im a fucking zombie....and then sleep.... Rinse, Repeat, Recycle>>>>>><<<<<>>>><<<><><><>I SHOULD HAVE DIED 4 YEARS AGO.....Im just a fucking burden on everyone and everything!! rant rant rant...bitch bitch bitch....X__X


Blogger fusselman's rabbit said...

welcome to nowhere fast. nothing here ever lasts. how were we content in college? the idea that something bigger awaited us?? i don't know.

6:37 PM  
Blogger matt said...

ya, it seems so delusional doesnt it? Now all i do is go to sleep after work and watch all my dreams slowly decay... everyone tells me i should talk more, and i know the only way i will get good at japanese is if i do, but there is some dissconnect between thought and action it seems, well at least when it comes to me doing anything, i often dont have much to say...but damnit...oh well...im a fucking hack... ill see you in NC next month.. and ill bake you something for your birthday ok? heh...

12:21 AM  

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