Wednesday, June 28, 2006

home grown carbon copy walking upright

I guess I'm watching fox news. They're saying NY times posted news that the government monitors bank transactions to track terrorists. The talkshow host and guests argue about the legitimacy of such tactics. Mostly, one woman starts to talk about civil liberties and some guy in a suit keeps interrupting her.

"look at her, she can't even finish a sentence. she's an idiot."

And what difference does it make if someone watches your bank account, listens in to everything you have been doing. So long as you haven't been doing anything bad, you have nothing to worry about, right?

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

shakespeare and cocaine

philia coca

1)a priori: born into cocaine.

2)a posteriori: finding ones self surrounded by cocaine.

3)universal: seeking out cocaine.

4)existential: a seemingly random series of events resulting in cocaine.

now replace cocaine with success, or anything for that matter. we really only have so many options in life.

Saturday, June 17, 2006


20 GOTO 10

Remember the ABCDs of cancerous moles:

(B)orders Irregular
(C)olor differences

At the dermitologists office, they make you wait in a cold room for 15 minutes, wearing only your underpants. Actually most doctors do this to people, depending on the reason for your visit. Making people wait scared, cold, and naked helps.

abe lincoln totem pole.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

"Because its a Symbol of our [elite ideological] history"

Flag day. Lets wrap ourselves in blinding colors, all subsumed under one symbolic edifice that tries to wipe away all the terror, suffering, and struggle that occurs daily as a part of the state functioning. Driving in the car my interlocutor said* "I don't know why people don't celebrate flag day...All these complaints and differences...Its a symbol of our national history..." To which I replied "Its the very concept of a singular 'national history', as defined by the state and its actions, that people have a problem with.. There is probably a good deal of people who would rather not be associated with those horrors. This flag allows individuals to blindly follow a 'pretty symbol' without thinking what actual entails such actions (i.e. like saying 'support the troops' without considering what all that might entail....Slaughter and all in the name of perpetual peace, a motto used for the past century to justify power plays and genocides). This symbol ignores how individuals have often struggled to formulate and create their own identity in light of the hegemony that that symbol attempts to represent." The voice replied, "ya, im just in a complainitive mood"...So children, lets all gather around these flags, these icons, these Phalices and march....Look at the advertising, see the car salesmen and his shiny new suit! Eat the GMO's, don't look back, we have a flag guiding us, telling us who we are, what we should define history as, and how to dissolve any sort of agency by reifying some symbol as an ahistorical edifice to the purity of the cause, the eternal cause which will outlast any of these merely material organisms. Ahh... The state apparatus, breath with the tarantula, feed with it, breed with it, think like a bug caught in its web about to be devoured, immobile, stuck, yet maybe there is a sign of relief that it will all end soon, that the tarantula is actually liberating oneself from this wreached contentment. Behold!
The question remains though, with those that have internalized the ideology, the semiotic process, the symbol is a piece of their identity, and never ceases to be so, so how can the centripedal and centerfugal forces interact of such a powerful symbol interpolate oneself (even those who repell against the symbol are at the same time giving it its mana, its life force, by acknowledging it and also reifying it as the object of rejection)? One repeles against hegemony only to find oneself trying to replace it? The meaning ascribed by some is just as meaningfull as anything else in this self/socialy constructed trivium of moral-desire-motivation. The epistemology of the flag, the essence, representing all that is common in a narrative and overrides anything that would suggest otherwise, is played out each day, by every one, in different modes....To be aware of this, to see this is only the begining of our understanding that any understanding we might have is extremely limited and constantly framed by the ideo-cryptic sociocultural history that we have been emboddied with.

*event's depicted are reconstructions of my memory, most of what I am reported to have said I only thought, and thus it was internal private speech, and given what we know of cognitive psychology and reconstructive memory, this is probably 99% ficticious, using an episodic occurrence and reconstructing it according to a scheme that I hold for myself and my interlocutor and the frame of the discussion....Often I am too subdued to say anything that I am actually thinking, but then again how could anyone know I am thinking it, even myself?

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

i'm a hardcore rapper.

we all know who we think we are. we tell others through our actions, how we dress, what we say or don't say, whether or not they buy in. other people have little to no effect on this conceptualization. the worst of actors at the very least try to stay in character. but still, we are what we are, we are a conceptualization. the sweaty fuckers in the clubs moving along to sinusoidal beats, they're all thinking the same thing. the families in churches, with minds elsewhere, they're thinking it too. business deal makers and business deal breakers, they think too, when they're alone. or maybe not, maybe thinking's too much.

Monday, June 12, 2006


For those 1.5 individuals who happen to visit this site and find it somewhat amusing, I will be opening the blog to some friends of mine. I feel that a distributed commentary will act as a good parallax and will add to the incoherent overdetermindness of this blog. Please enjoy. Rinse, Repeat, Recycle...

bugger burden existing on others

we were playing frisbee on the fairway. marble-sized beetles covered the golf course, and while we stomped about, some beetles were inevitably crusht. i say shit happens and i am told that kind of attitude is adopted to justify killing. More or less.

a surreal vision: perfect (raked) sand bunkers, water hazards with aesthetic value, green as far as the eye can see. . . walls of trees boxing you in for every hole. inches from suburbia.

i am a bastard child and most of us will be forgotten when the day is over.

Pathetic little rant....

Today I did something I feel is completely unnecessary (ignoring the question of necessity, and desire for a moment, another time another temporal conjecture). Consuming gifts, a gift economy. For some reason I have a difficult time accepting things at first, but mostly that is a facade I deploy to show myself as an ascetic who can get bye fine without such material artifacts. In a sense, I feel that I have attached myself to some materiality as if to identify myself through it, or rather a relationship through it (as superficial as that may seem, but then again the concept of superficiality presupposes that there is something deeper, something more 'true' or platonic at the root of it all). All these things constantly fly through my mind as I rapidly consume in order to expropriate myself from this locality and transit to another intercept consummating some now long dead oriental fantasies (everything involving the other, or an object could be said to exist within the cognitive realm of 'oriental')of a different self. Hopefully this unprecedented bout of consuming superfluous materials will signify my departure from being interpolated in our society, as I reach a parallax and deconstruct/reconstruct who I am, a sense of identity, in a new environment. Thus I depart for the night, random thoughts, nothing coherent...Would I want it to be any other way? I feel my critical side has become subsumed as of lately, oh well...Slumber calls.

Sunset Rubdown Live

An Over-determined Epistemology
I'm Ryne and Matt has offered me the opportunity to contribute to his blog. After reading Matt's posts I feel that I have little to offer in terms of philosophy so from time to time I'd like to share music related info. The following link:
has a few live tracks from one of my favorite current bands, Sunset Rubdown. I recently had the opportunity to see this band live and can attest that they have an amazingly well crafted sound for such a young band. For fans of Brian Eno, Wolf Parade, and Frog Eyes.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

On the Infinite Finitude

Man, in defining this superfluous being as just, benevolent, and wise, projects his own objectionable finite characteristics unto this supposedly infinite being; and thus doing so kills the supposed essence of its infinity (while attributing it an essence of singular proportions). Regressing into a preacher of a concept that has killed itself (even the dadaists could not have succeeded so powerfully). But in striving to maintain this divinity, man extracts all his essence onto the other-worldly, thus magnifying the sickness in man that these preachers inform us of. This cycle is reproached ad infidium as longing expresses the height of a dynamic tension. One can not claim to know the infinite. If one attempts to do so one only masks that one is projecting themselves, their ideology, their epistemic, into the infinite as if to imperialize it. Behold these preachers, drink fast from this chalice for it shall feed your sickness of humanity and current worldly phenomena.

Another rant on....

Everything in existence determines everything else (leaving aside the perilous nomenclature of the word 'existence', which might, for current purposes, be better said as a dialogical embodiment of praxis), bringing a phenomena into frutition through the aleatory encounter. The 'self' is determined, but also a determining factor in all phenomenological 'facts' or 'acts'. TJis pme tramscemds tje freedom-deterministic duality to reach a state of the infinite singularity of potentiality and nothingness, ever walking upon the given state of relations and the multitude of possible conjectures which could 'take' at any moment. Since the cause is effective as an effect, the cause is imminent in the effect, and only acts as such through being effected upon by the encounter of any given conjecture. In the teleological formulation often common to the ideological apparatuses of modernity, one seeks the final irreducible cause acting independently of all others and effectively having all genesis emerge from its latent shell of determinacy (be it 'bastard Marxist' primacy of the economic over all else, neoclassical economists primacy of the 'rational individual' working for 'utility [profit] maximized' as the unfolding of history within a given telos [leading to the unification of the spirit, classless society, or market utopia]). But if one reinterprets the pragmatic maxim (as paradoxical as that last statement may seem) as a method of inquiry (via Peirce) that the meaning of any phenomena is the total of its existential effects, we at once see that all notions the past are over-determined by the current conjectures and potential archeologist of the future (i.e. an infinite regress to some degree). As the past configures the future, but in a sense there was no past without the encounter of a given future, of the latent and aleatory happening, or encounter. Though the future is spawned, it is itself a spawning foritude of the past (Schopenhauer drew a line of causality along with Siddartha and the Abiddhadhamma)The past is totaly indeterminate, all casual chains running in a vicious loop, being effects into themselves as causes leads to the loop of thirdness (which in Althusserian terms would be translated from Peirce as the encounter of the autonomous structures that do not pre-exist their encounter but are configured a posteri). Through dependent co-arising existence (again that impenetrable word) is in a constant creative flux.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


The word 'terrorism' is often associated within an asymmetrical context to refer to the methods used by those without destructive force that often accompanies formal militaries, and is not recognized formally as complying with the 'rules of war' (what a fucked up term?), as if only those hegemonic states can willfully use violence and destructive means to coerce various populations (i.e. operation phoenix and everything else in Vietnam, Guatemala, El Salvador, East Timor, East Pakistan [Bangladesh], Nicaragua, ect...ect..). States are often the subject of historical acts of what anyone would define as terrorism, but being the authors of history more often than not, can justify the insanity and terror of the state in opposition to all those who oppose the state (or would rather just replace any given nation with a new one). Lets take a look at the record of one nation that seems to enjoy denouncing others for their atrocities (while of course ignoring and trying to justify its own). This is a very incomplete list and should be supplemented by a visit to the National Security Archives (published online by Gorge Washington University) or a book documenting the Federal Governments complicancy to any sort of international law (while holding its law to be divine, the law of 'pre-emptive' destruction) and matches most definitions of 'terrorism' par excellence.
1) Which is the only country in the world to have dropped bombs on over twenty different countries since 1945?

2) Which is the only country to have used nuclear weapons?

3) Which country was responsible for a car bomb which killed 80 civilians in Beirut in 1985, in a botched assassination attempt,.

4) Which country's illegal bombing of Libya in 1986 was described by the UN Legal Committee as a "classic case" of terrorism?

5) Which country rejected the order of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to terminate its "unlawful use of force" against Nicaragua in 1986, and then vetoed a UN Security Council resolution calling on all states to observe international law?

6) Which country was accused by a UN-sponsored truth commission of providing "direct and indirect support" for "acts of genocide" against the Mayan Indians in Guatemala during the 1980s?

7) Which country unilaterally withdrew from the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty in December 2001?

8) Which country renounced the efforts to negotiate a verification process for the Biological Weapons Convention and brought an international conference on the matter to a halt in July 2001?

9) Which country prevented the United Nations from curbing the gun trade at a small arms conference in July 2001?

10) Aside from Somalia, which is the only other country in the world to have refused to ratify the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child?

11) Which is the only Western country which allows the death penalty to be applied to children?

12) Which is the only G7 country to have refused to sign the 1997 Mine Ban Treaty, forbidding the use of landmines?

13) Which is the only G7 country to have voted against the creation of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in 1998?

14) Which was the only other country to join with Israel in opposing a 1987 General Assembly resolution condemning international terrorism?

15) Which country refuses to fully pay its debts to the United Nations yet reserves its right to veto United Nations resolutions?

The answer to each question is? The United States Of America