Saturday, June 10, 2006

Another rant on....

Everything in existence determines everything else (leaving aside the perilous nomenclature of the word 'existence', which might, for current purposes, be better said as a dialogical embodiment of praxis), bringing a phenomena into frutition through the aleatory encounter. The 'self' is determined, but also a determining factor in all phenomenological 'facts' or 'acts'. TJis pme tramscemds tje freedom-deterministic duality to reach a state of the infinite singularity of potentiality and nothingness, ever walking upon the given state of relations and the multitude of possible conjectures which could 'take' at any moment. Since the cause is effective as an effect, the cause is imminent in the effect, and only acts as such through being effected upon by the encounter of any given conjecture. In the teleological formulation often common to the ideological apparatuses of modernity, one seeks the final irreducible cause acting independently of all others and effectively having all genesis emerge from its latent shell of determinacy (be it 'bastard Marxist' primacy of the economic over all else, neoclassical economists primacy of the 'rational individual' working for 'utility [profit] maximized' as the unfolding of history within a given telos [leading to the unification of the spirit, classless society, or market utopia]). But if one reinterprets the pragmatic maxim (as paradoxical as that last statement may seem) as a method of inquiry (via Peirce) that the meaning of any phenomena is the total of its existential effects, we at once see that all notions the past are over-determined by the current conjectures and potential archeologist of the future (i.e. an infinite regress to some degree). As the past configures the future, but in a sense there was no past without the encounter of a given future, of the latent and aleatory happening, or encounter. Though the future is spawned, it is itself a spawning foritude of the past (Schopenhauer drew a line of causality along with Siddartha and the Abiddhadhamma)The past is totaly indeterminate, all casual chains running in a vicious loop, being effects into themselves as causes leads to the loop of thirdness (which in Althusserian terms would be translated from Peirce as the encounter of the autonomous structures that do not pre-exist their encounter but are configured a posteri). Through dependent co-arising existence (again that impenetrable word) is in a constant creative flux.


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