Thursday, June 15, 2006

"Because its a Symbol of our [elite ideological] history"

Flag day. Lets wrap ourselves in blinding colors, all subsumed under one symbolic edifice that tries to wipe away all the terror, suffering, and struggle that occurs daily as a part of the state functioning. Driving in the car my interlocutor said* "I don't know why people don't celebrate flag day...All these complaints and differences...Its a symbol of our national history..." To which I replied "Its the very concept of a singular 'national history', as defined by the state and its actions, that people have a problem with.. There is probably a good deal of people who would rather not be associated with those horrors. This flag allows individuals to blindly follow a 'pretty symbol' without thinking what actual entails such actions (i.e. like saying 'support the troops' without considering what all that might entail....Slaughter and all in the name of perpetual peace, a motto used for the past century to justify power plays and genocides). This symbol ignores how individuals have often struggled to formulate and create their own identity in light of the hegemony that that symbol attempts to represent." The voice replied, "ya, im just in a complainitive mood"...So children, lets all gather around these flags, these icons, these Phalices and march....Look at the advertising, see the car salesmen and his shiny new suit! Eat the GMO's, don't look back, we have a flag guiding us, telling us who we are, what we should define history as, and how to dissolve any sort of agency by reifying some symbol as an ahistorical edifice to the purity of the cause, the eternal cause which will outlast any of these merely material organisms. Ahh... The state apparatus, breath with the tarantula, feed with it, breed with it, think like a bug caught in its web about to be devoured, immobile, stuck, yet maybe there is a sign of relief that it will all end soon, that the tarantula is actually liberating oneself from this wreached contentment. Behold!
The question remains though, with those that have internalized the ideology, the semiotic process, the symbol is a piece of their identity, and never ceases to be so, so how can the centripedal and centerfugal forces interact of such a powerful symbol interpolate oneself (even those who repell against the symbol are at the same time giving it its mana, its life force, by acknowledging it and also reifying it as the object of rejection)? One repeles against hegemony only to find oneself trying to replace it? The meaning ascribed by some is just as meaningfull as anything else in this self/socialy constructed trivium of moral-desire-motivation. The epistemology of the flag, the essence, representing all that is common in a narrative and overrides anything that would suggest otherwise, is played out each day, by every one, in different modes....To be aware of this, to see this is only the begining of our understanding that any understanding we might have is extremely limited and constantly framed by the ideo-cryptic sociocultural history that we have been emboddied with.

*event's depicted are reconstructions of my memory, most of what I am reported to have said I only thought, and thus it was internal private speech, and given what we know of cognitive psychology and reconstructive memory, this is probably 99% ficticious, using an episodic occurrence and reconstructing it according to a scheme that I hold for myself and my interlocutor and the frame of the discussion....Often I am too subdued to say anything that I am actually thinking, but then again how could anyone know I am thinking it, even myself?


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