Tuesday, August 01, 2006

He's stupid, he's dumb, he's the pilot: Part 1

Well, another misfortanate adventure. Speeding along the cement, the euphoria of a bike beneeth my feet, i wipped out. This wasnt any typical wipe out, no, this reflected the hight of my absurdity, an action that would defy most logics, though there are enough logics that one could construct that could justify the action of speeding along the sidewalk of one of the bussiest roads in southeast wisconsin and trying to rush across an intersection while the light was red, and a car (cars seem to forget that there is ever anyone else who might use the road to walk, ect... it seems to develop into a mass psyche of the domain of gas powered vehichels, epitomizing the blind isolation and self destructiveness that taps into my prototype for anything 'american' if there is anything coherent that fits that nomenclature in my schemas.) was pulled out blocking the entrance to the other sidewalk. So me, being the rambunctious youth flying along the bike, felt that i could continue to do so and just jump the small inclination to the other side...... Class, take this as example 1 of my prototype of stupidity (that is, it can only apply to me, being that i dont know what others were thinking at the time of their actions, and thus feel i am in a weak stance to judge them harshly, though i still cant ignore that I judge an action by its effects and from its intentions, i guess i just use a sense of empathy as my heuristic morals. Oh well, i will leave moral sentiments to another date.). After scraping my hands and getting my pants a little bloody, the guy in the car (who was on his cell phone) honked his horn at me and was laughing and gave me a thumbs up, and i looked back and laughed at myself. My own sense of humility is probably one of the few things that keeps me from relapsing into a nihilistic pesudo-rage of self destruction. I managed to find the whole incident humorous and worthwhile, if only for its humor (and not the pain, though that could make it worthwhile also). But sitting there, i was thinking how everyone seeing the incident probably thought "gee whiz. theres one stupid dumb fuck", in their self enlightend glory, well i have to say.... i was in agreement at the time.... But maybe it wasnt as dumb as it appeared to those standing in the glass tower, maybe the rush was worth it, maybe the pain was worth it, maybe the sense of personal humility was worth it..... 'worth it' what the fuck does that mean?


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