Sunday, July 16, 2006

The speed of sound: A memic compression of the velocity of the culture industry leading to implosion (or how i learned to love pretensious titles)

[the first half of this blog was lost to the digital editing abyss while copying it, it comprised of a few words of self-loathing and masochistic rage] which is quite amusing....Nature is static, never moving, property is forever, property is the highest state of humanity. Fuck how it was acquired, fuck the aleatory conditions of the enclosement movements and 'primitive accumulation' (i.e. colonialism, ect...). Those who we shall never speek of, have no say, no historical subjectivity, no right, no place in this world, only those who have acquired, those who participate in what throughout history would be considered usury (charging interest was considered the lowest form of employment and considered epiphenomenal to the work of the farmers and manufacturers until the triple revolutions spanning the 1500s - 1800s expended vast amounts of ideological formulations to try and legitimize this emergent power block). To own property is what we must all aspire, to accumulate capital/land... Workers have the right to sell themselves as wage labors, just as slaves have the right to be under the submission of their masters, and Palestinians have the right to be moved from the west bank or left to starve and fester in their own sewage through embargoes (how dare some of them get infuriated at the lack of empathy from the west, or even other "Arab" states in the region, how dare they try to express their anger at the state machine of Israel, how dare they even consider it, only civilized terrorism using guided bombs to kill men women and children are legitimate. The asymmetry of weapons, the master vs the slave, only the master's punishment is legitimate, right, just). Its the natural course of things, manifest destiny, living space, human nature, how could it be otherwise? it has been as such forever and will last forever, just work, just sit in the center of the empire and feel self righteous when you say that everyone despises you because your soo good and soo enlightened, free, ect...Yes, we all stand in the glass tower of an empire that shows a tendinial movement towards self destruction! Damn you James Madison.... Cows....what? Traces everywhere....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested

6:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested

10:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.

10:50 AM  

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