Thursday, July 13, 2006

Simulacra, Clones, Commodities, Desire: A note on the poduction and reproduction of social relations

Simulacra, Homonculous, Clones, & Commodities:
I admit that desire and the simulacra go hand in hand for me. I have come to desire nothing more than a phantom, something digital, something postmodern, something of a schema that, as much as it is baited by external stimuli is self constructed. Behold the irony, that which i desire most is nothing more than a self construct that exsists in my semantic memory. It plays with me, allows me to attribute affordances to the world around me, manipulating and observing the world through a chain of causality that will bow before the simulacra, the schema, the effective prototype. A vision a dream speeks to me, the advertisements call me forth and compell me to play to my own whims, my own self affordances, i attribute joy to the clone, to the reproduction of an eternal reoccurence. The recurrence of the simulacra is what desire is based upon. We afford objects values in the chain of causality, such and such an artifact brings me such and such a stated, which I view in any assortment of emotive values. To judge, to precieve, these are the fundimental aspects of cognition, to decipher ones environment through repetition, to build a strong enough schema, to learn, to obay, to submit to them, as much as we can deny them, but is not this denial only playing into our schema of self-autonomy? Low and behold, the paradox sinks in....The simulacra laughs, the digital pixles dance around, the relations of individuals, as simulacra, weather or not the masks we put on have anything other than their realization in a given conjecture and nominal/fleeting place in a multiplicity of structures that would make Dynamic Equations and Chaos theory seem mundane. If only i can tap into this desire, make it real, make it submit, but then what would it be? if not another Simulacra, another clone, another will to consume the death of the alterity, the alterity that is the self.... What is this, how can it be? The self as the other? The image as the object, the copy as the real, the real as the copy, the life of death, the life in death, the recombination and restructuring of all relations, reproducting in order to survive, but what affords survival, some chose not to pursue this path, infinite variation, how can we forget? Those who make survial as the ends of the earth seek their own demise, those who seek their own demise seek the ends of the earth, the ends of the earth lie in infinite reproduction...infinite potentiality, infinite consumption, infinite struggle, infinite survival, infinite death. We need all of these things to help accumulate capital, to help keep the system(s) moving, the bombs kill and feed at the same time, but feed more into those who have allocated the weapons of this Clone Army. Build a missile defense that repeatedly fails, ignore the ten billion dollar 'deterrence' which was supposed to be effective by its absence (now there is something derrida must have loved), continue to ignore the dying mass, the 40,000 each day to starvation, throw away the scrap food, put up the security alarm in your bourgeoisie mansions, drive the cars, complain about social programs, pay more taxes for bombs and low yield Nuclear weapons, Depleated Uranium, White Phospherous, Coca Cola, Nike, McDonalds, Wallmart, Apple, feed the simulacra, as it destroys what it claims to project, as it eats away, undermining its own ediface, yet in doing so sets up a new and more powerful desire, more cynical, more potent.....The dream has not yet ended, nor shall any telelogical movement bring it about, the subject(s) movements are in situ, they see beyond the horizions, but where? Where is this train going? Where is the vision, the desire, the horizion....

Desire, Infinite Horizions:


Blogger that_robot said...

love that last one.

6:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.

7:26 AM  

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