Monday, January 15, 2007

A narrative, the death of the author, modern mirror of biblical exgenesis

Also here is a definition that might be helpful

"Prima Facie - by a first or initial showing (of the minimum evidence needed to support some conclusion of fact or law). G.S. 116-143.1(e), in part, makes the domicile of a student's parents prima facie evidence of the student's domicile. Read along with the rest of subsection (e) and with reference to subsection (d), however, this provision is transformed by the whole statute from the minimum evidence function into simply a substantive beginning point of inquiry for the residence classification."

Given this information, and pending upon what might rebute having parents as domicilaries of NC, there does seem to be a shot at in state tuition, if im reading this correctly. Well, tell me your take on it, a parallax of perspectives would help in an exgenesis of this legalistic gobblygook.


I always find this somewhat funny. All laws are open to interpritation because everyone in a sense is the authors text as they read it, rather than there being some a priori set in stone 'truth' to it. Everyone brings different perspectives to any legal code and interprets it according to their lived experiences and motives.. This is what i call the materiality of the text, not material in a vulgar empiricist sense (which i think is how most people preceive articles like the constitution or any legal code, though those who study the law must attempt to finess the power of authorship to its limit), but rather material in that it is constitutive and emerges through the co-preceptual/semiotic interaction of the subject and object acting as one unision for the exgenesis (in a sense i retain the concept subject and object of the law as heuristic nomenclature only, and regret having to do so, but for lack of any better linguistic devices i maintain this cartesian chimera in my presentation... though i think i did an ok job of negating any meaning in the terms by how they were presented, or at least tried to).. thus we are all the authors of such texts. Which makes for the chaosopoly in legalistic exgenesis. But we must never forget the simple proposition that power resigns and hegemonizes such texts....i.e. the police, military, state.


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